TED Talks: Bluegrass Virtuosity

This is TED Talk no.5 – not really a talk but a fun filled amazing performance, which is what we are aiming to inspire and achieve in our classes

For those old enough to remember, it reminds us of the Beverly Hill Billies theme music. It just makes you wanna say “Yeeeeeeeeha!”

TED Talks: Why I take the piano on the road … and in the air

Ted Talks are a truly amazing source of knowledge and inspiration. The name “TED” stands for Technology Entertainment Design but is so much more than this.

TED Talks are short – 10-20 mins usually and can be enjoyed anywhere – waiting for a bus, on your way to school, sitting in a coffee shop…. Experience the joy of TED!

We are calling this our TED WED series, because each TED talk will be republished here on a Wednesday.

How to Love Handel!